Differences Between Web2 and Web3 Domains

Web2 or Web2.0 Domains are those we mostly talk about nowadays. For example, when you type in “https://helloacm.com” in the browser, the “helloacm.com” is the Web2.0 domain, which is controlled/registered by a (few) centralized organizations.

On the other hand, Web3 or Web3.0 domains are based on blockchain technology, similar to NFT (Non-fungible Token).

domain-names Differences Between Web2 and Web3 Domains domain domains Web3


Web3 domains differ from Web2 domains in several key aspects:

Ownership and Control

Web2 Domains: Controlled by centralized entities like ICANN and domain registrars. Users pay to “rent” domains, typically on an annual basis.

Web3 Domains: Often based on blockchain technology, allowing users to own the domain. Once purchased, there are usually no renewal fees unless the user decides to transfer or sell it.

Management and Maintenance

Web2 Domains: Need to be managed and renewed through registrars. The domain can be reclaimed and resold if not renewed.

Web3 Domains: Typically, there are no renewal fees. The domain is stored in the user’s wallet, similar to cryptocurrencies or NFTs.

Technical Foundation

Web2 Domains: Based on traditional DNS (Domain Name System).

Web3 Domains: Based on blockchain technology, like Ethereum. These domains can interact with smart contracts, offering richer functionalities for decentralized applications (DApps).

Privacy and Security

Web2 Domains: Privacy and security are limited by the domain service providers and centralized infrastructure.

Web3 Domains: Offer higher levels of security and anonymity, relying on the decentralized and immutable nature of blockchain.

Domain Usages

Web2 Domains: Primarily used for locating and identifying servers on the internet.

Web3 Domains: In addition to traditional uses, they can also serve as aliases for cryptocurrency addresses, simplifying the process of transacting with complex addresses.

TLDR; Web2 Domains vs Web3 Domains

In summary, Web3 domains provide greater ownership control, decentralization, and integration with blockchain technology, while Web2 domains still rely on the traditional, centralized domain name system.

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