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Get-Item API

Buy Me A Coffee

This free API /api/get-item allows you to retrieve the item description(image, title, price) from webpages.

This API allows easy retrieval on the price, title and image given a URL. It can be used by crawlers.

Parse Shop-Page and Get Item Information

Please input the URL that contains the item:

API End Point

The API calls are cached at CDN and the results are updated hourly.

Return Example (more data is added later)

{"error":0,"content":"Karly Longline Underwired Bra - Ann Summers","price":22,"image":"\/\/\/i\/annsummers\/01BRUWAS1080034_Z?$product-large$"}


It is free to use, but donations are appreciated to cover the life-time upgrade/maintenance/support costs, as well as the Server costs. Thanks!

API Servers

You can use the following API servers. All API calls are monitored and subjects to fair use policy.
  1. Load Balancer:

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