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The Toilet in the Browser

Buy Me A Coffee

This page runs the linux tool toilet in the browser. TOIlet prints text using large characters made of smaller characters. It is similar in many ways to FIGlet with additional features, dling, colour fonts, filters and various export formats. It also provides the API for users to call the function.

API (Application Programming Interface)

The API following has a rate-limit 1 call per second.
It will return JSON-encoded data:
"                     \n        #            \n  mmm   #mmm    mmm  \n \"   #  #\" \"#  #\"  \" \n m\"\"\"#  #   #  #     \n \"mm\"#  ##m#\"  \"#mm\" \n                     \n                     \n"
If $_GET parameter msg is not specified, this API will use the $_POST variable msg instead.
curl -X POST -d "msg=Toilet Rocks!"

API Servers

You can use the following API servers. All API calls are monitored and subjects to fair use policy.
  1. Load Balancer:


We use the linux command toilet.
       TOIlet - display large colourful characters

       toilet [ -hkostvSW ] [ -d fontdirectory ]
              [ -f fontfile ] [ -F filter ] [ -w outputwidth ]
              [ -I infocode ] [ -E format ] [ message ]

       TOIlet  prints  text  using large characters made of smaller characters. It is
       similar in many ways to FIGlet with additional features such as  Unicode  hanâ€
       dling, colour fonts, filters and various export formats.

       TOIlet  either  reads  its  input  from  the command line or from the standard

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