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Unicode-String/Text MD5 HASH Calculator (Ajax Javascript)

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This page implements a Javascript Ajax converter that calls the API to compute the MD5 Hash for any given Unicode String.

MD5 generates a 32 character as output. It is not recommended to use MD5 for security encryption purposes as it has high chances of conflicts where two different strings correspond to the same MD5 hash.

You can use this: Compute File Hash (FileReader) to compute the MD5/CRC32/SHA256 for a given file. For more hashing algorithms, you can use Ultimate String Hash Tool.

This MD5 Hash tool is also available in Chinese: 在线MD5哈希计算器

MD5 Hash API (Application Programming Interface)

We can use the following API (Rate Limited) that is based on Serverless Technology from CloudFlare Worker Function API:
Returns JSON:

You can send a POST with Body Text as Input:

curl -s -X POST -d "Hello" ""

Complete API Source Code (PHP) for MD5 Hash

  $s = '';
  if (isset($_GET['s'])) {
     $s = $_GET['s'];
  } else {
    if (isset($_POST['s'])) {
      $s = $_POST['s'];
  $data = md5($s);
  header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
  header('Content-Type: application/json');

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