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Online Converter from Arabic Numerals (Integers) to English Words with API

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Arbaic Numerals are decimals like 1234 (Read as "One Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Four"). This page provides a powerful online/free tool that converts any integers (even negatives, ranged from -9223372036854775807 to 9223372036854775807) to its English representation (using the short-scale British/American notations e.g. 1 Billion equals 109 and 1 Million equals 106.

The value of 9223372036854775807 is also known as 263-1 which is known as the maximum value a signed 64-bit integer can hold.

The following converter does not add the 'AND' concatenation, and the source code is based on [How to Convert Integer to English Words (C/C++ Solution)] and NPM Js Library to Convert Integers to English
NPM Javascript Library of Integer to English: int2english

Nine Quintillion Two Hundred Twenty Three Quadrillion Three Hundred Seventy Two Trillion Thirty Six Billion Eight Hundred Fifty Four Million Seven Hundred Seventy Five Thousand Eight Hundred Seven
Arabic Numeral (Integer):

Convert Integer to English (API)

We provide a simple API (subject to fair use policy) that converts the given Integer to English string.

API example:
  {"arabic":"9223372036854775807","english":"Negative Nine Quintillion Two Hundred Twenty Three Quadrillion Three Hundred Seventy Two Trillion Thirty Six Billion Eight Hundred Fifty Four Million Seven Hundred Seventy Five Thousand Eight Hundred Seven"}

You can call the Converter API via the POST method, for example:

? curl -s -X POST -d "n=5677"
{"arabic":"5677","english":"Five Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Seven"}

If you are using POST method, the result will not be cached via the CloudFlare CDN, as the GET method does (via ?cached URL).

Integer-to-English API Servers

You can use one of the following API calling servers.

  1. Load Balancer:

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