How to Be Unpopular in the Coding World?

A lot of people are unpopular because they are arrogant, unable to work well with others, and have other personality flaws regardless of what they do for a living. However, there are things we do that make us unpopular… and it is no different in the world of coding. The following is a list of mistakes and choices that make you unpopular in the coding world so you can avoid them yourself.

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Write Codes in Other Languages

Programming languages evolve. Objective C is an object-oriented language based on C. Swift is a better version of Objective C. If your teammates are working in Objective C, it is understandable if you’re working in a related, ancestral programming language. Write something in PHP or a different language because you prefer it, and you’ll be unpopular because it is so hard to figure out why code modules in the different languages aren’t working properly. This is why every software development project should start with a list of approved programming languages as well as the framework to be followed.

Ignore the Framework

A framework in the coding world is a standard method of building and deploying apps. When you build code based on a framework, it is more likely to be successfully packaged and delivered as an app or executable installed on the customers’ device. Troubleshooting errors in the code is easier when it follows a framework instead of being built haphazardly. When coding is done in line with an agreed upon framework, it is easier to later modify or extend the code. If you ignore the framework, you’ve just made everyone else’s job harder. The sloppy code that tends to result is another reason other developers will not like you.

Not Documenting Anything

The only thing worse than complex code is complex code that has little or no useful documentation. It isn’t fair to other team members to give them a mess of code no one else understands that they have to figure out in order to fix something after you left. Another tactic that makes you unpopular is when you fix things but don’t document the fix, so no one else knows how to replicate it when you’re gone. Some people do this for the sake of job security, but they don’t realize they may be killed in a car crash or laid off. This leaves everyone left behind in a lurch.

A related mistake is not reporting the status of the project to management, so they don’t know what you’re working on, how far you are into the task at hand, or how long they’ll need to wait. If you don’t report problems or delays, management doesn’t know their current timeline is not possible. Or they’ll solve the problem by ordering everyone else on the team to work overtime when your part is done after they waited idly while you tried to catch up.

Fail to Run Regression Tests

Testing is done to determine if there are bugs that need to be fixed. Regression testing is when you re-run the software tests to verify that software bug fixes, extensions, and upgrades work properly. If you change the code without running regression tests, you may accidentally add bugs while solving old ones. Fail to thoroughly test the program and you may find that your fix didn’t actually fix the root cause either. Test everything thoroughly; and when you make changes, re-run the tests. Neglect this in the attempt to save time and money, and your customers will lose faith in you because of the defects.

Telling Everyone to Change Because You Just Learned about Something

It takes years to become a great programmer, especially since you have to learn software development methodologies and frameworks in addition to learning programming languages. You’ll be unpopular with your coworkers if you come in and tell them they have to change programming languages, frameworks or other fundamentals of the job because you read something interesting or attended a weekend seminar. The only possible exception to this is reading about a bug or security flaw that your group needs to investigate immediately, but that doesn’t mean you make changes right away. Try to go forward with something you barely understand, though, will result in an amateurish product when you’re paid for the premium version.

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Don’t make these mistakes, and you’ll get along with your teammates. If you’re still having issues, then the problem is probably due to human nature and much harder to solve. If you choose to make these mistakes, it will typically result in worse quality code and poor quality products that hurt your team’s reputation and long-term career prospects.

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