Timeout Utility in Windows Command Shell

From Windows 7 and onwards (or if you install some Resource Kits), you will be given the useful utility timeout to delay the execution (to be used in a batch file) for a few seconds/minutes (optionally until a key is pressed, or Ctrl+C is triggered if command line switch is given:  /NOBREAK)

The well known alternative might be to use ping -n 3  > nul to pause for 3 seconds using local loop network ping, the output is redirected to NUL so you won’t see any message.

The syntax for timeout is quite simple, it takes /t seconds to delay for a specified period (in seconds) and an optional /NOBREAK disables user keystrokes. The time in seconds can be from -1 to 99999. When it is -1, it is the same as pause that waits for any keypress.

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The examples are:

  • Timeout /?
  • Timeout /T 10
  • Timeout /T 300 /NOBREAK
  • Timeout /T -1

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