Four Useful Cell Functions/Values in Excel

Microsoft Excel is a powerful spreadsheet that you can put values, strings, and even formulas in each cells. The following are four useful/important functions regarding to cells in Excel.

Row Function

The Row() simply returns the row-number, starting with 1. For example, if you put “=Row()” (without quotes) at cell A1, it returns 1.

Column Function

Similarly, the Column returns the column-number, starting with 1 as well. If you put “=Column()” (without quotes) at cell B2, it returns 2.


The Address function takes two parameter, the first the the row-number and the second is the column-number. So the Address(1, 1) = “$A$1”. You can find algorithms in this post (C++ code).

Indirect Function

The Indirect function will evaluate the given cell (string parameter). Therefore, Indirect(“A1”) will return the value in cell A1.

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