Integer Computation Efficiency Comparisons Between Modern Compilers – Case Study – PI Computation (Delphi, Java, C, C++)

Inspired by previous work done by here/.

I use the source code provided on the PI computation.. And performance/timing is measured on the following PC:

Intel i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.5GHz
64-bit Windows 10
1TB Samsung SSD

The PI computation does intensive integer (high-accuracy arithmetic) computation rather than floating-point in this case. Number of places for PI digits are set to 10K and 20K. For second runs, the output options are disabled (no file writing or console string), so the timing are mainly for integer computation.

The following modern compilers are tested:

Delphi 7
Delphi 2007
Delphi XE8 x86
Delphi XE8 x64
Delphi 10 x86
Delphi 10 x64
VS2013 cpp x86
VS2013 cpp x64
VS2013 c x86
VS2013 c x64
MINGW 4.8.1 x86 c
MINGW 4.8.1 x86 cpp
VS2013 C#.NET 4.5 x86
VS2013 C#.NET 4.5 x64
JAVA8 x86
JAVA8 x64
VS2015 cpp x86
VS2015 cpp x64
VS2015 c x86
VS2015 c x64
VS2015 C#.NET 4.5 x86
VS2015 C#.NET 4.5 x64


All Delphi, C++, C, C# compilers set project to RELEASE modes.

performance-comparisons-between-modern-compilers Integer Computation Efficiency Comparisons Between Modern Compilers - Case Study - PI Computation (Delphi, Java, C, C++) optimization performance comparison programming languages


performance-comparisons-between-modern-compilers-chart Integer Computation Efficiency Comparisons Between Modern Compilers - Case Study - PI Computation (Delphi, Java, C, C++) optimization performance comparison programming languages


Timing Program in Delphi

delphi-timing Integer Computation Efficiency Comparisons Between Modern Compilers - Case Study - PI Computation (Delphi, Java, C, C++) optimization performance comparison programming languages


Timing Source code:

procedure TForm1.Run(const CmdLine: string);
  Start, Finish: Cardinal;
  Dir: string;
  StartupInfo: TStartupInfo;
  ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation;
  Start := GetTickCount;

  FillChar(StartupInfo, SizeOf(StartupInfo), 0);
  StartupInfo.cb := SizeOf(StartupInfo);
  Dir := ExtractFileDir(Path.Text);
  if not CreateProcess(PChar(Path.Text), PChar('"' + Path.Text + '" ' + CmdLine), nil, nil, True, 0, nil, PChar(Dir), StartupInfo, ProcessInfo) then
  WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE);
  Finish := GetTickCount;
  Results.Lines.Add(IntToStr(Finish - Start));

procedure TForm1.RunBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
  I: Integer;
  Screen.Cursor := CrHourglass;
    if CmdLines.GetTextLen = 0 then
      for I := 0 to CmdLines.Lines.Count-1 do
    Screen.Cursor := crDefault;


  1. Modern compilers are in general very good at integer computations. They generally produced highly-optimised code for integer calculations.
  2. Between different versions of Delphi compilers, the performance does not vary too much. However, the file sizes increases a lot, and x64 version has bigger file size than x86.
  3. VS2015 Pure C code (both x86 and x64) generally ranks top.
  4. C codes run faster than CPP.
  5. JAVA x64 is even faster than compiled Delphi/C++ code.

Pre-compiled Binaries (including Timers)

Pre-compiled Binaries (including Timers) 6K Integer Computation Efficiency Comparisons Between Modern Compilers - Case Study - PI Computation (Delphi, Java, C, C++) optimization performance comparison programming languages

Download the pre-compiled binaries and share your results!

1-Million PI Digits Lookup/Database, also you may want to read this post: Integer Performance Comparison for C++, C#, Delphi

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  1. Auttasak L.

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