Leetcode’s Online Code Debugger

Leetcode online judge has introduced a new feature lately – which is the online code debugger. This works perfect for me as I am using iPad + bluetooth keyboard to solve the puzzles and all I really need is an lightweight code debugger.

leetcode-debugger Leetcode's Online Code Debugger debug leetcode online judge


Advantages of the Online Code Debugger

Really, everything you need to solve a coding task is in the browser. For easy and medium questions, most of the time, you probably don’t need a debugger, and you could just “Run Code” with different test cases to debug your code. However, for difficult questions, a sophisticated debugger is often necessary.

On ipad, there isn’t any Good IDE that provides the debugger. And the leetcode code debugger just fills the gap. I can easily set a breakpoint, add variables to watch list, and see the local variables.

To use the leetcode debugger, you would need to:

  • Click the Console
  • Specifiy a Test Case
  • Set a break-point by clicking at least a line. You could set multiple lines after debugger starts up.
  • Click the Debug button
  • The code execution will stop at the first breakpoint and the variables/watch list will be updated accordingly.
  • You can Continue, Step Into a function, Step Over a function, or Step out a function.

The debugger is online, meaning that when you step into/over/out, you will notice a delay when the browser is communicating with the server. There isn’t any shortcuts (e.g. F8 or F9) so you can only click the button(s) to debug.

It isn’t perfect, but it makes the leetcode online judge standing out from the rest of the crowds.

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