PHP7 Shortens the Google Page Crawling Time

I have recently upgraded my QuickHostUK VPS from Ubuntu 14.04+PHP5.6 to Ubuntu 16.04+PHP7.08. Here is the crawl stats (accessible from Google Webmaster) on ‘Time spent downloading a page (in milliseconds)’.

As you can see below, all my sites improve the page crawling time after the major upgraded to PHP7.

php7-shorten-google-crawl-time PHP7 Shortens the Google Page Crawling Time php SEO speed


PHP7 is at least twice as fast as PHP5.x. So you code should run at a lot faster even if you don’t need to change a single line of code. PHP7 also means less memory consumption and more requests served with the same resources!

Just remember, the Google considers the page loading speed as a hint of ranking. Faster web pages are placed higher in the search ranking. So obviously, the less page crawling time (faster page loading speed, less time spent on downloading a page), the better! (at least it does no harm)

–EOF (The Ultimate Computing & Technology Blog) —

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