Teaching Kids Programming – Area and Circumferences of Circle and Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm of PI

Teaching Kids Programming: Videos on Data Structures and Algorithms

The Math constant PI or tex_af13d5f3905a7f5cfa284795beaccdb6 Teaching Kids Programming - Area and Circumferences of Circle and Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm of PI algorithms math monte carlo Monte Carlo Simulation Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm python teaching kids programming youtube video is an irrational number which cannot be represented by a simple fraction tex_b0156dcdd7e81ca24838c726d680a3bd Teaching Kids Programming - Area and Circumferences of Circle and Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm of PI algorithms math monte carlo Monte Carlo Simulation Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm python teaching kids programming youtube video where tex_c62ce07331aed547e8be3d3036114405 Teaching Kids Programming - Area and Circumferences of Circle and Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm of PI algorithms math monte carlo Monte Carlo Simulation Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm python teaching kids programming youtube video . The approximation of tex_af13d5f3905a7f5cfa284795beaccdb6 Teaching Kids Programming - Area and Circumferences of Circle and Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm of PI algorithms math monte carlo Monte Carlo Simulation Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm python teaching kids programming youtube video is 3.14159265358…. A Rational Number is the opposite – where the number can be represented as a simple fraction p/q.

The tex_af13d5f3905a7f5cfa284795beaccdb6 Teaching Kids Programming - Area and Circumferences of Circle and Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm of PI algorithms math monte carlo Monte Carlo Simulation Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm python teaching kids programming youtube video is defined as the ration of circumferences (perimeter) to diameter. A diameter is twice size of a circle’s radius.

tex_a783825c7734fd2bc0e49ab20f0a936d Teaching Kids Programming - Area and Circumferences of Circle and Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm of PI algorithms math monte carlo Monte Carlo Simulation Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm python teaching kids programming youtube video and tex_3057fc8abda684d92b2e0d3e69565a10 Teaching Kids Programming - Area and Circumferences of Circle and Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm of PI algorithms math monte carlo Monte Carlo Simulation Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm python teaching kids programming youtube video Thus we know tex_43489986cc320fed8ee2baefa79dc4df Teaching Kids Programming - Area and Circumferences of Circle and Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm of PI algorithms math monte carlo Monte Carlo Simulation Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm python teaching kids programming youtube video

Visual Proof of Area of a Circle

We can cut the circle into as many thin rings as possible, then if we put them from the smallest to the largest it will be a triangle. The large side will be the circumference of the circle while the other side will the the radius – where we cut and unroll.

visual-proof-of-circle-area Teaching Kids Programming - Area and Circumferences of Circle and Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm of PI algorithms math monte carlo Monte Carlo Simulation Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm python teaching kids programming youtube video

The area will thus be tex_29c34988de2b0671ae5c91bca4a50c1b Teaching Kids Programming - Area and Circumferences of Circle and Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm of PI algorithms math monte carlo Monte Carlo Simulation Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm python teaching kids programming youtube video i.e. tex_803711cf7a54efe8b41ac107874416c4 Teaching Kids Programming - Area and Circumferences of Circle and Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm of PI algorithms math monte carlo Monte Carlo Simulation Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm python teaching kids programming youtube video

Introduction to Monte Carlo Simulation

We ask the computer to randomly throw as many coins as possible on to the following 1×1 square, and then we can count how many of them fall onto the pizza (1/4 of circle). The more points we throw the better approximation of the 1/4 pi.

monte-carlo-simulation-of-approximation-of-pi Teaching Kids Programming - Area and Circumferences of Circle and Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm of PI algorithms math monte carlo Monte Carlo Simulation Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm python teaching kids programming youtube video

The randomness is provided by the random package and the random() method returns a fraction random value between 0 to 1 i.e. [0, 1)

from random import random
def pi(n):
    inside = 0
    for _ in range(n):
        x = random()
        y = random()
        if x * x + y * y <= 1:
            inside += 1
    return inside/n*4
print(pi(1000))    # 3.184
print(pi(10000))   # 3.1288
print(pi(100000))  # 3.1436
from random import random

def pi(n):
    inside = 0
    for _ in range(n):
        x = random()
        y = random()
        if x * x + y * y <= 1:
            inside += 1
    return inside/n*4
print(pi(1000))    # 3.184
print(pi(10000))   # 3.1288
print(pi(100000))  # 3.1436

Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithms to compute the Pi based on Randomness:

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