What is the advantages of using Azure Bicep rather than ARM?

microsoft-azure What is the advantages of using Azure Bicep rather than ARM? cloud Microsoft Azure


Azure Bicep is a domain-specific language (DSL) and a declarative syntax for defining Azure infrastructure as code (IaC). It offers several advantages over the traditional Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates:

Simplified Syntax

Bicep provides a cleaner and more concise syntax compared to ARM templates. It uses indentation-based formatting, which makes the code easier to read and maintain. Bicep also supports modularization, allowing you to organize your code into reusable modules, making it more modular and scalable.

Improved Readability

Bicep offers improved readability and understandability compared to ARM templates. The syntax is more intuitive and resembles familiar programming languages, such as JSON or YAML. This makes it easier for developers and operators to write, review, and maintain code.

Strong Typing

Bicep introduces strong typing, enabling you to define data types for variables, parameters, and resources. This helps catch errors and provides better validation during the authoring process. It reduces the chances of misconfigurations and improves overall code reliability.

Increased Productivity

Bicep simplifies the process of authoring and managing Azure infrastructure code. It offers features like code snippets, intellisense, and inline documentation, which enhance the development experience and boost productivity. Bicep also supports incremental deployment, allowing you to update specific resources without redeploying the entire environment.

Ecosystem and Tooling

Bicep is supported by a growing ecosystem of tools, extensions, and community resources. Microsoft provides a Bicep extension for Visual Studio Code (VS Code), which offers rich editing capabilities and integration with Azure services. Various third-party tools and libraries have also emerged to support Bicep, making it easier to adopt and integrate into existing workflows.

Backward Compatibility

Bicep is designed to be backward-compatible with ARM templates. You can convert existing ARM templates to Bicep easily using the ‘az bicep’ command-line tool or the VS Code extension. This allows you to leverage the advantages of Bicep while still working with your existing ARM-based infrastructure.


Overall, Azure Bicep offers improved readability, increased productivity, better maintainability, and a more enjoyable authoring experience compared to ARM templates. It simplifies the process of defining Azure infrastructure as code and provides a foundation for building scalable and reusable infrastructure deployments.

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