R Tutorial – Connecting to STEEMSQL

R-studio R Tutorial - Connecting to STEEMSQL database mssql R programming SteemIt


R is suitable for data analysis and we can use R to do machine learning after mining the data from STEEMSQL. The first step is to connect to STEEMSQL, and let’s do it.

Step 1 – Install the MS SQL package

@arcange ‘s STEEMSQL is a Microsoft SQL Server, thus we need R to be able to handle the MSSQL connection via the RODBC library. To install the connector in R, run the following command


Step 2 – Reference the RODBC library

After RODBC is installed, you first need to reference it e.g. in R script.


Step 3 – Connect via odbcDriverConnect method

Like other programming language, RODBC has a DB-connect method, i.e. odbcDriverConnect which needs to be customised to the following according to STEEMSQL:

conn <- odbcDriverConnect("Driver=SQL Server Native Client 11.0;Server=sql.steemsql.com;Database=DBSteem;Uid=steemit;Pwd=steemit")

Upon success, the connection is stored in conn.

Step 4 – Run the SQL query

This is easy to understand, first parameter is the db connection and the second parameter is the actual SQL statement!

sqlQuery(conn, str_c("select voting_power from Accounts where name='justyy'"))

Demo R Function – Get Current Voting Power

Let’s wrap this up!


getvp = function(id) {
  conn <- odbcDriverConnect("Driver=SQL Server Native Client 11.0;Server=sql.steemsql.com;Database=DBSteem;Uid=steemit;Pwd=steemit")
  x <- sqlQuery(conn, str_c("select voting_power from Accounts where name='", id, "'"))
R-demo-steemsql-get-voting-power R Tutorial - Connecting to STEEMSQL database mssql R programming SteemIt


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  1. ben

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