This PHP page contains all the links to currently published articles or pages. It also helps search bots index the site better. This post describes how to create this page in details. This post shows to how present a monthly-plot-number graph below:

Number of Posts (Comments in Brackets) Per Year
  • Year 2024: 48 (4)
  • Year 2023: 250 (39)
  • Year 2022: 199 (58)
  • Year 2021: 566 (15)
  • Year 2020: 378 (35)
  • Year 2019: 348 (90)
  • Year 2018: 220 (83)
  • Year 2017: 155 (163)
  • Year 2016: 247 (205)
  • Year 2015: 281 (95)
  • Year 2014: 252 (37)
  • Year 2013: 134 (13)
  • Year 2012: 197 (4)

Here is the archive of all 3275 pages/posts. The numbers in the brackets after post names are Facebook Likes and the number of comments for the posts.

2024-6 (8)
2024-5 (8)
2024-4 (6)
2024-3 (8)
2024-2 (7)
2024-1 (11)
2023-12 (16)
2023-11 (11)
2023-10 (23)
2023-9 (21)
2023-8 (17)
2023-7 (35)
2023-6 (33)
2023-5 (17)
2023-4 (21)
2023-3 (19)
2023-2 (22)
2023-1 (15)
2022-12 (12)
2022-11 (11)
2022-10 (10)
2022-9 (13)
2022-8 (13)
2022-7 (14)
2022-6 (16)
2022-5 (20)
2022-4 (25)
2022-3 (19)
2022-2 (21)
2022-1 (25)
2021-12 (30)
2021-11 (27)
2021-10 (25)
2021-9 (26)
2021-8 (26)
2021-7 (57)
2021-6 (62)
2021-5 (65)
2021-4 (61)
2021-3 (63)
2021-2 (59)
2021-1 (65)
2020-12 (71)
2020-11 (58)
2020-10 (27)
2020-9 (35)
2020-8 (34)
2020-7 (22)
2020-6 (26)
2020-5 (20)
2020-4 (33)
2020-3 (11)
2020-2 (19)
2020-1 (22)
2019-12 (36)
2019-11 (35)
2019-10 (36)
2019-9 (18)
2019-8 (21)
2019-7 (41)
2019-6 (31)
2019-5 (39)
2019-4 (32)
2019-3 (33)
2019-2 (13)
2019-1 (13)
2018-12 (14)
2018-11 (21)
2018-10 (13)
2018-9 (24)
2018-8 (16)
2018-7 (21)
2018-6 (8)
2018-5 (12)
2018-4 (17)
2018-3 (26)
2018-2 (33)
2018-1 (15)
2017-12 (11)
2017-11 (10)
2017-10 (19)
2017-9 (22)
2017-8 (22)
2017-7 (3)
2017-6 (15)
2017-5 (10)
2017-4 (5)
2017-3 (8)
2017-2 (9)
2017-1 (21)
2016-12 (11)
2016-11 (9)
2016-10 (14)
2016-9 (19)
2016-8 (13)
2016-7 (18)
2016-6 (23)
2016-5 (24)
2016-4 (64)
2016-3 (23)
2016-2 (18)
2016-1 (11)
2015-12 (26)
2015-11 (24)
2015-10 (8)
2015-9 (23)
2015-8 (23)
2015-7 (53)
2015-6 (37)
2015-5 (7)
2015-4 (18)
2015-3 (16)
2015-2 (13)
2015-1 (33)
2014-12 (17)
2014-11 (50)
2014-10 (30)
2014-9 (40)
2014-8 (13)
2014-7 (11)
2014-6 (10)
2014-5 (13)
2014-4 (11)
2014-3 (18)
2014-2 (17)
2014-1 (22)
2013-12 (12)
2013-11 (16)
2013-10 (26)
2013-9 (5)
2013-8 (5)
2013-7 (1)
2013-6 (7)
2013-5 (7)
2013-4 (10)
2013-3 (16)
2013-2 (13)
2013-1 (16)
2012-12 (14)
2012-11 (12)
2012-10 (16)
2012-9 (19)
2012-8 (28)
2012-7 (33)
2012-6 (40)
2012-5 (35)

–EOF (The Ultimate Computing & Technology Blog) —

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125 words

The Permanent URL is: Archives of Pages/Posts